American Kennel Club (AKC)
v Phalcon became a Breed Champion in February
v National Specialty: Phlirt won the brood bitch class. Phuture did very well in the bred-by classes.
Lure Coursing
AKC Lure Coursing
v Phoenix and Phaedra both earned their Master Courser (MC) titles.
v Phuture earned her QC certification.
LGRA (straight racing)
v Phuture earned her Gazehound Racing Champion (GRC).
v PH National LGRA event sponsored by PHONE with 20 PHs running: Phaedra was 1st, Phoenix was 3rd, Phuture was 5th, Phoebe was 11th and Phlirt (at 9.5 years of age) was 12th.
v LGRA (straight racing) Nationals: Phaedra was 1st, Phuture was 3rd, Phoenix was 4th and Phlirt was 6th.
v Phaedra was #1 Pharaoh Hound for 2010.
NOTRA (oval racing)
v Phoenix and Phaedra both earned their Junior Oval Racing (JOR) titles.
v NOTRA (oval racing) Nationals: Phoenix was 1st, Phlirt was 2nd and Phaedra was 3rd.
Obedience and Rally
American Kennel Club
(AKC) Rally
v Phalcon and Phoenix both earned their Rally Novice (RN) titles.
American Kennel Club
(AKC) Obedience
v Phaedra earned her CD title - 1st CharmedWons to earn an obedience title.
v Honored by Valley Forge KC, my all-breed club, at the annual banquet as the recipient of the 2010 AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award.
v Phaith had her 1st litter - 5 males and 3 girls on July 5th (this is the 3rd CharmedWons litter).
v Phoenix qualifies for the PHCA Versatility (VC) award.
v Phalcon earned his Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certifications.
v At the National Specialty weekend, Phoenix earned 4th in the Triathlon.
v Phancy will be having the next litter here at CharmedWons in 2011.
For 2011 watch for CharmedWons at all of the above PLUS
· freestyle
· agility
· ASFA Lure Coursing
· UKC Conformation